GFMD Thematic Meeting on Migration and Climate (Rabat)
24 May 2017
The question of the impact of climate change on human mobility has attracted considerable attention over the past years. It has been integrated in the preamble of the Paris Agreement (COP21) and will be discussed at the United Nations in May 2017 as part of the preliminary consultations for the elaboration of the Global compact.
ADEPT April Webinar in partnership with IOM
27 April 2017
Thursday 27 April 2017 from 04:30 to 06:30 PM Brussels/Geneva Time- Satellite Meeting in Preparation for the GFMD Civil Society Days ADEPT’s April webinar will examine the UN Global Compact on Migration and the Global Forum on Migration and Development and explore ways in which diaspora and migrants can help achieve the aims of these meetings and negotiations on migration and development.