10% of Syrian refugees by 2020: new target to deal with current protection needs


The current ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria shows no sign of improvement. Meanwhile, the numbers of individuals, families and communities displaced to neighbouring countries grows larger by the minute. Current estimates suggest 4 million Syrians have fled the ongoing violence in their country. Displaced Syrians find themselves in overcrowded facilities and with reduced possiblities for income and livelihoood as humanitarian aid agencies are struggling to find adequate levels of funding to provide an ever-growing population in need.

Moreover, the lack of safe and legal avenues to reach Europe pushes Syrians, along with other asylum seekers fleeing violence and political unrest in Northern Africa and the Middle East region, to attempt dangerous journeys by land and sea. Current figures suggest that up to 67,000 Syrians have attempted to reach Europe in smuggler boats during 2014, with tragic consequences for many individuals who perished during the journey.

Between 2011-2014, just over 200,000 Syrians sought asylum in the European Union, representing just 5% of the 4 million Syrians currently living in the countries neighbouring Syria. Until political solutions become available, ICMC urges EU Member States and other governments to provide increased opportunities in terms of refugee resettlement, humanitarian admission programs, extended family reunification, humanitarian and student visas, and community-based private sponsorships, increasing target to an additional 400,000 or 10% of the total current number of refugees.

The report will be discussed as part of the sessions during the GFMD Thematic meeting, and hosted by the GFMD Turkish Chair on 'The Mediterranean Crisis in a Global Context: A New Look at Migration and Development Approaches' to be held on 15 July 2015 in Brussels.

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