High-level meeting on global responsibility sharing through pathways for admission of Syrian refugees

The High-level meeting on global responsibility sharing through pathways for admission of Syrian refugees is taking place on 30 March in Geneva.

This high-level meeting will be convened at ministerial level by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and it aims exploring mechanisms for Syrian refugees admission that could be adopted by States to diminish the pressure on countries currently hosting large numbers. Such mechanisms could include resettlement, as well as humanitarian admission or transfer, family reunification, labour mobility schemes and scholarships. 

The meeting will complement several other initiatives addressing the Syria crisis and relieving the pressure on countries hosting large numbers of refugees on their territories. This includes the Syria IV conference that took place in London in February 2016 and sought to raise financial pledges towards the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for the Syrian Arab Republic and the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) in response to the Syria crisis.

For more information, consult this meeting’s documentation:

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