Civil society event ahead of the Valletta Summit

Aditus FoundationIntegra Foundation and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Malta, in collaboration with the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) and the Migration and Development civil society (MADE) network in Africa, invite you to attend the civil society event on the Valletta Summit, where they will express their views and recommendations on issues to be discussed at the Summit.

This event follows the invitation by governments for civil society observers to be present during the Summit, responding to civil society push last week in Brussels.

During the last 30 minutes civil society reps will take questions from the press. After the event, speakers as well as other civil society participants will be available for interviews. The programme and list of speakers and civil society participants are detailed below. 

Read the programme for the event

Venue: Old University, St Paul Street, Valletta (map of venue)

Speakers and contact persons:

- in Valletta: Ms. Odile Faye, Migration and Development civil society (MADE) network in Africa,  (French)

- in Brussels:  Ms. Sophie Ngo-Diep, ICMC Europe & Migration and Development civil society (MADE) network,, + 32 2 227 97 29 (English + French)

- in Oslo: Ms. Tuva Raanes Bogsnes, Norwegian Refugee Council,  (English)

For more information:

- Check out some of the tweets from Thursday’s meeting of civil society on MADE’s Twitter Feed

- Visit the EU Council website for more information on the Valletta Summit

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