Civil Society Participation

2018 GFMD Civil Society Days

The application process for the GFMD Civil Society Days 2018 is now closed. 

List of registered participants (22 November) here

Concept for participant selection process - Civil Society Days 2018

With the aim to promote quality as well as manageability of discussions and space during the Civil Society Days, the International Steering Committee (ISC) has decided again this year to set a maximum number of civil society delegates at the GFMD Civil Society Days: 250.

At the same time, the ISC has also decided to decentralize and rationalize the selection process as much as possible, in order to increase representation, ownership and transparency in the selection process of the delegates. Following four ISC meetings throughout the first half of 2018, ISC members have decided to continue the hybrid selection system that was developed in 2016.

Please note that this is not the same as the 2017 selection process, when there was no open application process due to the exceptional time constraints to organise the GFMD Civil Society Days that year. For Marrakesh 2018, all civil society delegates will be selected through an open call process, either directly or through their network.

To reach the total of 250 civil society delegates this year, the selection process will have a two-pronged approach:  

  • 174 (70%) of the civil society delegates will be selected directly by, where they exist, national, regional and thematic civil society networks around the world that have been active in migration and development in recent years. NB: These networks are not pre-selected: all networks must apply through an open call process and be selected in order to invite representatives of their network to the GFMD Civil Society Days.
  • 80 (30%) of the civil society delegates will be selected through an Open Global Application process. That is, out of all applications submitted through this stream, the ISC will select about 80 delegates on the basis of relevant experience and knowledge on migration and development issues, with an effort also to achieve diversity of civil society sectors (e.g., migrant and diaspora associations, other human rights, development and faith-based NGOs, trade unions and workers organisations, representatives of academia, think tanks and the private sector), geography and gender. This stream will complement the larger network selection process. 

As in previous years, the Civil Society Days will also provide limited space for observers (foundations, international organizations, governments and the media). A separate application form will be made available to them in the coming months. 

4 step application process 

Step 1: All networks who wish to send representatives to the GFMD Civil Society Days must fill in the short network application form by 31 August. All organisations and individuals who wish to participate in the Civil Society Days should submit a direct application for participation by 31 August AND/OR contact their networks to express interest in representing them in the GFMD. Applications are open to all networks, organisations and sectors of civil society, including diaspora and migrant associations, other human rights, development and faithbased NGOs, trade unions and workers organisations, and representatives from academia, think tanks and the private sector.

Step 2: If, as has been the case since the beginning of the GFMD in 2007, more applications are received than the space that is available, then the ISC will conduct a selection process for both networks and the open global application process.

Step 3: All representatives of networks and successful applicants through the open application process will receive a link to on-line registration, which they must complete.

Step 4: Each selected delegate confirms that they will or won’t be participating, and registers appropriately using the on-line registration. A waiting list will be developed to fill cancellation slots. 

Funding for participation.

Please note that being selected unfortunately does not mean that there will be funding available to support every participant. Each year, only very limited funding is available to support the participation of civil society delegates. Selected delegates or networks are encouraged to look for funding opportunities themselves to support their participation. Important: Before applying, please read the below information and FAQs carefully. If you have any further questions, please reach out to us on  
