23 octobre 2015
The International Network on Migration and Development, the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), the Argentinian Commission to support Refugees and Migrants (CAREF), the Centre for Human Rights of the University of Lanús (UNLA) and the Centre for Human Rights Fray Matías de Córdova gathered several civil society organisations to a meeting in Mexico City under the framework of MADE’s regional meetings in the Americas.
The meeting “Migration in the Americas: Strengthening regional links for advocacy” took place in Mexico City between 31 August and 2 September 2015. About 70 civil society organisations and individuals who work to defend the human rights of migrants across 17 countries in the region assisted this event to identify common characteristics, structural problems and possible solutions to the challenges that individuals, families and communities face across the Americas.
During the meeting, multiple strategies to advance in the protection of human rights of migrants across five key areas were identified: root causes of migration, irregular migration, inclusion, children and gender. Six civil society delegates from several civil society organisations in the Americas were interviewed by MADE and offered their view about these areas and sought to build common solutions.
You may access each video by clicking on the links below. All videos are subtitled in English and available in MADE’s Youtube channel.
- Inclusion - Efrain Jímenez, Director de la Federacion Zacatecana A.C
- Migrant women – Zorayda Ávila, Directora de la Federación de Clubes de oriundos del estado de Michoacán (NALACC)
- Root causes of migration - Gonzalo Mercado, Director Ejecutivo, Centro Comunitario de Trabajo de Staten Island
- Borders and rights - Delfina Lawson, Profesora a cargo de la Clínica de Migrantes y Refugiados del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Diego Portales
- Migrant children - Carolina Alvarado, socióloga
- Protecting and defending human rights of migrants - Hanglet Tejeda, Director, Centro de Formación y Acción Social y Agraria