The 2nd MADE Advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development
2 février 2016
The second MADE Advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development will take place on 16 February.
«Grâce à MADE, nous voulons parvenir à des changements de politique qui bénéficient aux individus sur le terrain, qui empêchent la migration forcée, qui protègent les migrants, qui font la promotion des droits de l'homme, et qui renforcent la voix des migrants.»
Bob van Dillen, Cordaid
Le groupe de travail sur la gouvernance mondiale de la migration et du développement est coordonné par Cordaid, basé à La Haye, aux Pays-Bas.
Toutes les organisations de la société civile œuvrant dans ce domaine ou intéressées par lesujet sont invitées à rejoindre le groupe et à participer aux événements ou autres activités à venir.
Contactez le groupe de travail sur la gouvernance mondiale de la migration et du développement
The 2nd MADE Advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development
2 février 2016
The second MADE Advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development will take place on 16 February.
MADE advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development
19 janvier 2016
The first MADE advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development will be held on 19 January 2016. You can register through the following sign up form.
A missed opportunity in Valletta
1 décembre 2015
Bob van Dillen, Coordinator for the Working Group on Global Governance of Migration and Development offers a critical review of the outcomes of the recent Valletta Summit and Action Plan.
MADE webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development
19 janvier 2016
The first MADE advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and (inter-)national indicator development will be held on 19 January 2016. Registrations are available through the following sign up form.
Second Annual Mayoral Forum on Mobility, Migration and Development
12 novembre 2015
The annual Mayoral Forum on Mobility, Migration and Development is a City-led global initiative to gather city leaders from around the world to strategize new and innovative approaches to urban governance in contexts of greater diversity.
IOM Conference on Migrants and Cities
26 octobre 2015
The Conference on Migrants and Cities (CMC) will be held in Geneva. It is IOM’s second global high-level conference organized in the framework of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) –its principal forum for migration policy dialogue over the past decade.